Sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion. 船长知道日后还会再作尝试,因为他试图寻找的沉船上载有一批珍贵的金条。
On the supply side, gold miners have pumped out more bullion for the past three years, including a 3% gain in 2011, to hit an all-time production high for two years running, according to GFMS. 据汤森路透GFMS说,在黄金的供应方面,过去三年里金矿公司开采出更多黄金,黄金产量连续两年创历史最高纪录,2011年的黄金产量增加了3%。
Mexico has quietly purchased nearly 100 tonnes of gold bullion, as central banks embark on their biggest bullion buying spree in 40 years. 随着各国央行开始大手笔购入黄金,墨西哥低调买进了将近100吨黄金。这是各国央行40年来最大的金条采购风潮。
India, the world's largest consumer of gold, has seen a rise in gold smuggling since the government imposed a 10 per cent duty on gold bullion imports in April, up from eight per cent. 印度是全世界最大的黄金消费国,自4月印度政府将黄金进口税从原先的8%提高到10%后,走私案件数量就显著增多。
In 2000 and 2001 it decided to bring home 940 tonnes of gold bullion from the Bank of England to save money on the storage fees that the UK central bank levies, unlike its French and US counterparts. 在2000年和2001年,德国央行决定,从英国央行(bankofEngland)运回国内940吨金条,以节约英国央行收取的保管费用。法国和美国则不收取保管费。
As emerging market countries buy gold and officials in Europe halt sales of bullion, central banks are set to become net buyers of gold this year for the first time since 1988, according to GFMS, a consultancy. 据咨询公司gfms表示,由于新兴市场国家购买黄金且欧洲官员停止抛售黄金,今年各国央行势必自1988年以来首次变成黄金净买入方。
But when it comes to the real stuff gold jewellery and gold bullion, for either adornment or investment trade in China has risen sharply. 但提到实物黄金用作饰品或投资的黄金首饰和金条这类交易在中国得到大幅增长。
Market players say there is now caution about the traditional safe haven of gold bullion because many investors are now cashing in on the commodity's already steep rise this year. 投资人说,由于许多投资者已经进入今年高涨的商品市场,这引发人们对传统安全港湾金货的担忧。
The thieves stole 1000000 in gold bullion. 窃贼偷去价值1000000英镑的金条。
This kind of leverage is the main attraction of gold mining shares compared with gold bullion. 这种杠杆效应是黄金矿业股相对黄金的主要优势。
Meanwhile, investors flocked to the safety of gold, which sent bullion rising 0.7 per cent to$ 1241.72 a troy ounce. 与此同时,投资者蜂拥转向被视作安全投资产品的黄金,将金价推高0.7%至每盎司1241.72美元。
Two that have done investors proud are the yen and gold bullion. 让投资者引以为傲的两类资产是日元和黄金。
The strong debut yesterday for the Shanghai gold futures market boosted the price of spot bullion to a fresh record high as investors anticipate a wave of Chinese investment in the precious metal. 昨日,上海黄金期货市场在首日交易中强劲上扬,推动现货黄金价格创下历史新高,原因是投资者预计中国在黄金方面将出现投资热潮。
And the epaulets are gold bullion? 肩章上这些是金色的条纹?
Sales of gold bullion and gold bars account for more than one tenth of gross gold consumption in China. 在中国的黄金消费总量中,金锭和金条的的销售占了十分之一以上。
And early last December, furthermore, when gold bullion was trading for about$ 60 an ounce less than where it is today, this sentiment index got as high as68%. 此外,去年十二月,金价较之当前低60美元左右的时候,情绪指数一度曾经高达68%。
Rising inflation in China and other Asian countries has inspired a surge in gold investment this year, according to bullion dealers, as investors turn to hard assets such as precious metals as a means of wealth preservation. 据各家黄金交易商介绍,今年中国及亚洲其他国家通胀上扬,促使黄金投资猛增,原因是许多投资者转向贵金属之类的硬资产,作为财富保值的手段。
John read, precious metals strategist at UBS in London, considered the launch of the Shanghai gold futures the most important development in the bullion market since the introduction of exchange-traded funds in 2003. 瑞银集团(ubs)驻伦敦的贵金属策略师约翰里德(johnread)认为,自2003年推出交易型开放式指数基金(etf)以来,上海黄金期货的推出是黄金市场最为重要的进展。
The Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society operates one of the largest gold bullion markets in the world. 金银业贸易场经营的黄金市场,是世界最大黄金买卖市场之一。
Gold jumped to a fresh record high supported by dollar weakness and strong physical activity, a sign that rich investors were pouring money into gold bars and bullion coins. 受美元疲弱和实物交易活跃的支撑,金价创下了历史新高。迹象表明,富裕的投资者正大量斥资购买金条和金币。
Gold bullion prices and gold and silver equities have risen for the last three consecutive years. 金块和黄金白银期货价格在过去三年连续上升。
It is one reason that gold bullion and more recently silver prices have risen over the last three years. 这就是最近三年的黄金和最近的白银价格上涨的原因。
Determination of Gold and Silver in Lead Bullion by the Analysis of AB Samples 高金银含量粗铅的AB样检测法
Improving technique and work condition for increasing recovering rate of gold-smelting and the purity of gold bullion 改进工艺操作条件提高金冶炼回收率及产品纯度
Determination of gold in gold bullion by quick mass method 快速质量法测定合质金品位
Inquisition on method to determine goldin low purity gold bullion by fire assay 火试金法测定低成色金块金方法探讨